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Arlo Cortez Almeida

  /    /  Arlo Cortez Almeida

Arlo Cortez Almeida

The day kicked off with a foreboding vibe. When you’re aiming for those natural lifestyle shots, sunlight is key, but it was nowhere to be found. Just another gloomy Toronto winter day, you know? The sky was heavy with clouds, setting the mood. As I stepped into the house, my worries intensified. The room was dark. I always make sure to wear a mask when I’m working, especially with a newborn in the house—it’s all about protecting the family, but in this case it also played an important role in masking my apprehensions.

Mary Jane was upstairs, tending to little Arlo. I introduced myself to Jonathan, the dad, and Rosa, the grandma, before slipping out of my outdoor clothes and into something fresh. It gave me some vital moments to center myself and assess the surroundings. By the time I emerged, Mary Jane had come downstairs, baby Arlo nestled in her arms, just waking up.

Now, you know how babies usually just glance around without much focus? Well, Arlo was different. His eyes met mine and held on tight. After his feed and nap, he had this serene energy, like a little zen master—so content and joyful. Jonathan and Mary Jane were pros at being parents, effortlessly creating these beautiful moments with Arlo. Their synergy was like a well-oiled machine, shining through in every photograph.

To the new parents, I send my warmest congratulations. May this journey be filled with countless precious memories.

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